Hello friends, welcome to our new article, through today’s post we will learn about Madhya Pradesh Education Portal Pay Slip and how to download it online, along with that we will also know how to login, so come friends. let start
The Madhya Pradesh state has launched MP Education Portal 2.0 which combines all information, services, and department related to the education system: Schools, Students, Teachers, Scholarships, and more.
Though the portal provides 100+ services on the website and we cannot cover it all. Therefore we are covering only largely searched queries related to it on Google.
We are covering MP Education Portal 2.0 For Students and Teachers.
Background Of MP Education Portal 2.0
The Madhya Pradesh state is one of the largest sectors in education. It has :
- More than 1.20 lakhs Govt. schools.
- More than 3.50 lakhs teachers and support staff
- More than 3500 DDOs.
- More than 1 crore students studying in Govt. Schools.
And these are managed in different ways at the state and field levels:
- State Level
- Directorate of Public Instructions
- Directorate of Tribal Welfare
- Rajya Shiksha Kendra
- Field Level
- More than 10,000 Supervisory Functionaries are located at State, Division, District, Block, Sankul, and JSK level
But there was no common platform where all these departments and officials could meet together and take decisions.

To solve this problem the state government launched its Education Portal. The government launched MP Education Portal in November 2012.
In the early stage of Portal, it only connects DDO, Schools, and Teachers.
Later in 2020, the government launched MP Education Portal 2.0 with more integration and features for DDO, Schools, Teachers, Employees, Students, Parents, and citizens.
Note: The Education Portal 2.0 is only for government schools, teachers, students and official departments.
MP Education Portal 2.0 Login
If you want to avail of the services of the portal you must have to log in with it. Here are steps on how you can log in easily on the website:
- Firstly go to the official website of the portal www.educationportal.mp.gov.in
- On the homepage, click on the “लॉगिन करे” option.
- Once you click on it you will jump to the Login Page.

- On this page, you have to enter the following information:
- User Name
- Password
- The username and Password are provided in the school and department.
- If you don’t have one, you can Renew your Password.
- Finally, click on Login Kare.

- After successfully Login your status on the homepage will show as Logined or Name.
- Now you enter into any kind of service.
MP Education Portal 2.0 Pay Slip Download
If you are an employee or teacher in a government school then you can download your Payslip using Education Portal HRMS.
You can follow the steps provided in the Video Guide.
- Firstly, log in to education portal 2.0
- On the homepage go to the Payroll Portal 2.0
- After this click on Download Payslip.
- Select Month and then click on Get PDF.
MP Eduction Portal 2.0 RTE Fee
- Every society/trust submitting application for new recognition will have to deposit
- Rs.5,000 for primary school
- Rs.7,500 for middle school and
- Rs.10,000 for primary cum secondary school
- As process fee for renewal of recognition, school will have to be deposited in lump sum for the recognition period.
- Rs.2000 for primary school
- Rs.3000 for secondary school and
- Rs.4,000 for primary cum secondary school
- In case of upgradation from primary to secondary school, action can be taken at the time of renewal. For this fee amount of Rs.5000/- will have to be deposited.
- Failure of the Society/Trust to apply for new recognition/renewal of recognition within the prescribed time limit, the application can be accepted for the next 30 days on depositing an additional amount of Rs.5,000/- as late fee.
- A fee of Rs.5,000/- will be payable for any change in the name of the school, change of school address or change in the name of the school committee.
Here are steps on how to check RTE Fee 2023-24 new academic year. You just have to follow this steps:
- Firstly go tho the education portal.
- On the homepage, click on MP State RET Portal.

- Now you will jump on another specific portal of RTE.
- Here you have to click on Notification.
- There you can see RTE Fee related information.
MP Education Portal 2.0 Service List

Human Resources Management (HRMS)
- Online Payroll System 2.0 For Payslip
- e-Order Management System
- Employee eKYC Management System
- Online Teacher Transfer Management System
- Online Deputation Order Generation & Management System
- Online Relieving & Joining Management System
- Teachers Appointment Management System [TAMS]
- Merger Order
- Grievance Redressal Management System
- Apply for a compassionate appointment
Portal For Govt Schemes, Incentives, and Assistance
- Integrated Scholarship Scheme Management System
- Students with Special Needs (CWSN): Identification, Support, Tracking Management
- Free Text Book Distribution Scheme Management System
- Establishment and operation of Divyang Hostel
- Establishment and operation of Sainik School
- Free Uniform Distribution Scheme Management System
- Free Cycle Distribution Scheme Management System
- Meritorious Student Promotion Scheme Management System
- Super 100 scheme
Services For Offices
- Departmental Structure and Departmental Organization
- Responsibilities of the School Education Department
- Acts and rules being implemented by the department
- Department / Division / State-Level Office
- divisional office
- District Level Office- District Education Officer Office (DEO) District Project Officer Office
- Block Level Office – Block Education Officer Office / Block Project Officer Office
- Jan Shiksha Kendra Management System New
- Package Office
Services For Citizen
- Birthdays
- Know Your Unique ID
- Know your DDO
- Contact Details
- Search Schools
- Find the DISE Code of School
Portal Services For School
- School Head Management System
- Girls Hostel
- Kasturba Gandhi Girls’ School
- School Directory Management System
- One Campus One School
- Mandal school
- District Schools District Excellence Schools
- Higher Secondary School (HSS)
- High School (HS)
- Physical Education Training College, Shivpuri
- Government Residential (Sports) School, Sehore
Information Of Hostel
- Hostel Management System
- Girls Hostel
- Kasturba Gandhi Girls’ School
- Divyang Hostel
Academics / Academic Activities
- Academic activity progress
- Attendance, Mobile App based system
- Skill Upgradation Program Management System
- Pratibha Parv Event Management System
- Exam Result Management System
- Online training management system
- Knowledge box
We all learned about MP Education Portal in detail. We hope that you liked the entire article. If you liked it then do not forget to share. Thank you. See you with a new topic.