मध्यप्रदेश के मुख्यमंत्री शिवराज सिंह चौहान द्वारा एक महत्वपूर्ण योजना लायी गयी है। इसीका Mukhya Mantri Seekho Kamao Yojana Courses List अभी चर्चे में है।
सरकार इस योजना के तहत 12 Pass, ITI, Diploma, Graduate एवं Post Graduate कर चुके युवा जो Job की तलाश में है उन्हें Industry Oriented तथा Job Ready Course कराकर उन्हें रोजगार प्राप्त करने के सक्षम बनाना चाहती है।
योजना में जब तक आप ट्रेनिंग लेते है आपको सरकार द्वारा प्रतिमाह Stipend (वजीफा) दिया जाता है। आप कोर्स अनुसार रु10,000 तक सिखने के लिए वजीफा कमा सकते।
सीखो कमाओ योजना के लिए आवेदन प्रारम्भ हो गए है जो 15 जुलाई 2023 तक रहेगा इसके बाद चयनित आवेदक को 1 अगस्त से ट्रेनिंग एवं अगले महीने सितम्बर से वजीफा चालू हो जाएगा।
आवेदन करने के लिए आप हमारे इस लेख को पढ़े: Seekho Kamao Yojana Registration Link 2023: 15 July Last Date

सीखो कमाओ योजना कोर्स लिस्ट पीडीएफ डाउनलोड
मुख्यमंत्री सीखो कमाओ योजना कोर्स लिस्ट पीडीऍफ़ देखने के लिए आप इन स्टेप को फॉलो करे:
- सबसे पहले MMSKY आधिकारिक वेबसाइट mmsky.mp.gov.in पर जाए।
- होमपेज पर आपको प्रशिक्षण कोर्स का ऑप्शन प्राप्त होगा।
- आप उस पर क्लिक करे।
- आपके सामने PDF ओपन होगी।
- डाउनलोड कर आप अपने अनुसार Course List देखकर Apply कर सकते है।

Seekho Kamao Yojana Job Sectors List 2023
मुख्य मंत्री सीखो कमाओ योजना में 40 अधिक Sector में 700 से ज्यादा कोर्स कराये जाएंगे। यह कोर्स क्लास 12 से उच्च शैक्षणिक तक प्रदान की जाएगी।
हमने निचे इन सभी को Table बनाकर दर्शाया है।
CM Seekho Kamao Yojana CLASS 12 PASSED Courses List
Seekho Kamao Yojana Class 12 Job Sector List |
Apparel |
Apparel Made-Up and Home Functioning |
Automobile |
Banking Financial Services and Insurance |
Construction |
Domestic Workers |
Electrical (Including New and Renewable Energy) |
Fabrication |
Furniture and Fitting |
Handicrafts and Carpet |
Plumbing |
Retail and Logistics |
Services including Repair and Maintenance |
Mukhya Mantri Seekho Kamao Yojana ITI JOB SEEKERS Courses List
Seekho Kamao Yojana ITI Job Sector List |
Agriculture and Allied Services |
Automobile |
Construction |
Domestic Workers |
Electrical (Including New and Renewable Energy) |
Fabrication |
Food Processing |
Furniture and Fitting |
Handicrafts and Carpet |
Health Care |
Industrial Automation and Instrumentation |
Iron and Steel |
Plumbing |
Production and Manufacturing |
Rubber |
Services including Repair and Maintenance |
Textile |
Seekho Kamao Yojana DIPLOMA JOB SEEKERS Courses List
Aerospace and Aviation |
Agriculture and Allied Services |
Apparel Made-Up and Home Functioning |
Automobile |
Chemical |
Construction |
Electrical (Including New and Renewable Energy) |
Electronics |
Fabrication |
Food Processing |
Furniture and Fitting |
Health Care and Wellness |
Industrial Automation and Instrumentation |
Iron and Steel |
Marine |
Media and Entertainment |
Mining and Minerals |
Plumbing |
Power |
Production and Manufacturing |
Rubber |
Services including Repair and Maintenance |
Telecom |
Textile |
Tourism & Hospitality |
MukhyaMantri Seekho Kamao Yojana GRADUATE JOB Courses List
Seekho Kamao Yojana Graduate Job Sectors |
Aerospace and Aviation |
Agriculture and Allied Services |
Apparel Made-Up and Home Functioning |
Banking Financial Services and Insurance |
Capital Goods |
Chemical |
Construction |
Electrical (Including New and Renewable Energy) |
Electronics |
Fabrication |
Food Processing & Preservation |
Furniture and Fitting |
Gems & Jewellery |
Green Jobs |
Health Care and Wellness |
Hydrocarbon |
Industrial Automation and Instrumentation |
Iron and Steel |
Life Science |
Logistics |
Management and Entrepreneurship and Profession |
Marine |
Media and Entertainment |
Mining and Minerals |
Plumbing |
Power |
Production and Manufacturing |
Retail and Logistics |
Rubber |
Services including Repair and Maintenance |
Telecom |
Textile |
Tourism & Hospitality |
MP Seekho Kamao Yojana POST-GRADUATE JOB Courses List
Seekho Kamao Yojana Post Graudate Job Sectors |
Aerospace and Aviation |
Agriculture and Allied Services |
Apparel Made-Up and Home Functioning |
Banking Financial Services and Insurance |
Capital Goods |
Chemical |
Construction |
Electrical (Including New and Renewable Energy) |
Electronics |
Fabrication |
Food Processing & Preservation |
Furniture and Fitting |
Gems & Jewellery |
Green Jobs |
Health Care and Wellness |
Hydrocarbon |
Industrial Automation and Instrumentation |
Iron and Steel |
Life Science |
Logistics |
Management and Entrepreneurship and Profession |
Marine |
Media and Entertainment |
Mining and Minerals |
Plumbing |
Power |
Production and Manufacturing |
Retail and Logistics |
Rubber |
Services including Repair and Maintenance |
Telecom |
Textile |
Tourism & Hospitality |
Seekho Kamao Yojana Sector Wise Courses List 2023
आपने ऊपर सभी Education Wise Job Sectors की लिस्ट देख ली है। अब आप यहाँ Sector Wise Courses List देख सकते है। योजना में 700 से अधिक कोर्स है।
Class 12, ITI एवं Diploma के लिए सीखो कमाओ योजना का कोर्स लिस्ट
यदि आप कक्षा 12 में पढ़ते है तो आप इन सभी कोर्स में टैनिंग पा सकते है।
- Maintenance Mechanic for Leather Machinery
- Embroiderer (Surface Ornamentation Techniques)
- Computer-Aided Pattern Maker
- Printing Textile
- Tailor (Men)
- Tenter (Drawing Speed/Fly Frames)
- Dress Maker
- Mechanic Auto Electronics
- Mechanic (Denting, Painting and Welding)
- Mechanic (Marine Diesel)
- Tyre Repairer
- Taxi Driver
- Commercial Vehicle Driver
- Automotive Welding Machine Assistant
- Automotive Quality Control Assistant
- Automotive Accessory Fitter
- Microfinance Executive
- Insurance Agent
- Debt Recovery Agent
- Credit Processing Officer
- Mutual Fund Distributor
- Business Correspondent/Facilitator
- Accounts Executive
- Stenographer (English)
- Insurance Agent
- Secretarial Assistant
- Stenographer (Hindi)
- Rural Mason
- Assistant False Ceiling and Drywall Installer
- Foreman-Electrical Works
- Khalasi (Assistant Rigger)
- Shuttering Carpenter
- Helper Bar Bender and Steel Fixer
- Gas Cutter
- Technician Fabricator
- Welder (Pipe and Pressure Vessels)
- TIG/MIG Welder
- Structural Welder
- Advance Welder
- Sheet Metal Worker
- Welder (Gas and Electric)
Degree Graduate एवं Post Graduate युवा के लिए सीखो कमाओ योजना कोर्स लिस्ट
- Technical Services Engineer
- Aircraft Avionics Technician
- Aircraft Airframe & Powerplant Technician
- Aerospace CNC Machinist
- Florist and Landscaper
- Pruner Tea Gardens
- Stockman (Dairy)
- Pump Operator Cum Mechanic
- Gardener (Mali)
- Attendant Operator (Dairy)
- Horticulture Assistant
- Mechanic (Agriculture Machinery)
- Mechanic (Dairy Maintenance)
- Maintenance Mechanic (Chemical Plant)
- Instrument Mechanic (Chemical Plant)
- Painter (General)
- Chemical Laboratory Assistant
- Laboratory Assistant (Chemical Plant)
- Attendant Operator (Chemical Plant)
- Mechanic Electrical Instruments
- Mechanic (Electrical Power Drives)
- Battery Repairer
- Cable Jointer
- Electroplater
- Solar Panel Installation Technician
- Field Technician AC V 2.0
- Steam Turbine-cum-Auxiliary Plant Operator
- Quality Engineer
- Mechanic (DTH and other Communication Systems)
- Technician Television and Audio System
- Process Instrument Operator (Oil Gas)
- Pipeline Maintenance Technician (Mechanical)
- Industrial Welder (Oil & Gas)
- Industrial Electrician (Oil & Gas)
- Contract and Procurement (CNP) (Oil & Gas)
- Executive (Finance)
- Executive (Law)
- Pipe Fitter – City Gas Distribution
- Fire Safety Technician (Oil & Gas)
- Petroleum Refinery Technician
- Web and Software Developer
- Digital Marketing Executive
- Data Analyst
- IT Support Executive
- Multimedia and Web Page Designer
- Computer Operator and Programming Assistant
- Bioinformatics Associate/Analyst
- Chemist – Production (Pharma, Cosmetics & Biologics)
- Jr. Digital Film Restoration Artist
- VFX Editor
- Media Coordinator
- Photographe
- Mechanic Consumer Electronics Appliances
- Digital Photographer
- Process Cameraman
Key Highlights Mukhyamantri Seekho Kamao Yojana Courses List
योजना का नाम | मुख्यमंत्री सीखो कमाओ योजना |
प्रारम्भ | 7 जून 2023 |
जॉब सेक्टर | 40 से ज्यादा |
कोर्स | 700 से ज्यादा |
आवेदक | 12वी, ITI, Diploma, Degree Graduate एवं Post Graduate |
आवेदन की अंतिम तारीख | 15 जुलाई 2023 |
आधिकारिक वेबसाइट | https://mmsky.mp.gov.in/ |